Jovanny's Wick Space

It would be good if we could have a built-in space to share all our Wick-Editor projects to the world. I made this as an example, but it is fully functional. The projects are host by Newgrounds as a workaround.


I really love the idea of people being able to share their projects more easily, but I think the reason this hasn’t happened yet is because it would require moderation. Hypothetically speaking, somebody could put something inappropriate (or even a fake link to a dangerous site, I suppose) into this kind of space, so there would have to be mods checking all the projects out. If it wasn’t for that, this would be really neat.

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@bluecake has a point, so that’s why we really can’t allow everyone to post projects…

But there might be some methods that we can use to make sure nothing “bad” goes on the Wick Editors space:

method 1

Start a contest every now and then, and have some type of winner post his or her project on the wick editor space, this way, every type of project there would have to be approved by the wick community and the mods before it even gets on the page!

method 2

We can go to the “Show your work” category, look for some amazing works, and offer to put them on the wick editor space.

method 3

Make a thread, not a contest or anything, where we have people show us their work, and we see if it deserves to be on the wick editor space, or if it doesn’t meet the requirements (goes against the rules or something)

There are possibly more methods that we can try out to make a wick editor space, I only listed a few


Yes, but there should be a process like in Newgrounds, they just put your submission into test/judgement and then after approved, you can see it properly shared. There are several ways to avoid those things. Also a flag system same as the forum… in fact it could be a forum extension like your forum page containing all your wick projects…

It would not very different than now, since we are able to post your projects in the forums.

My problem is that sharing a project in the forums is not that effective.


But, the problem is that we have so many people learning and willing to post their projects, but since they will competing against people with a lot of experience, they will probably loose all the talent shows.

My idea goes more to increase the Wick Editor engagement. It would be good if I click on your avatar and that click takes me to all your interesting projects. And maybe people could give you hearts, etc…

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Wick-Editor projects in general.

Wait… we have programmers and animators, can’t we start building our own website to share our communities successful projects to the universe? I mean, the moderators might be busy with working on updating wick (the next update is a big one), and I feel like trying to built something like this might get into their way, so if we create it ourselves (without going against any laws of course), it’ll be bring a possibly great support to the Wick team!


I mean, we could… but it require a lot of effort… This topic was an idea that I proposed to Luca days ago, I just wanted to give him a visual example of what I was thinking. He had some concerns as well regarding moderation and other stuff.

Do you know how many times Chill Space has been played in Newgrounds? About 1000 times. That is something, but it outside here. We should capitalize that within this space. We should have a similar system here, like an expansion of our forum Summary Page or something similar.


We can feature 1 project “officially” with the featured topic. You can use the about section of your profile to advertise more projects as well.

Screen Shot 2020-10-28 at 9.16.37 AM

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Rather than having a whole separate website for Wick stuff, how about something like a Facebook page, or something similar where you’re using a website that already exists, but multiple people can contribute to it?
(I actually don’t use Facebook that much but I think that’s how Facebook pages work :woozy_face:)

I was also kind of thinking that maybe there could be monthly contest or something of that sorts, where contestants could submit one project each to be considered for the Community section. If you limit it to one project per person, and they need to be signed into their forum account to submit, that should (ideally) limit the number of submissions to something rather manageable, so the people reviewing submissions won’t be overwhelmed. And limiting to one project per person encourages people to only submit their best work, I think.

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In your google site you forgot to add Wicky bird


Adding more to the collection, more to come… working in a Tetris game (harder that I thought, but it is getting ready)…

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it doesnt let me play any of the games

I’m sorry, probably the site where the games are is not allowed on your PC.

I cant use newgrounds sorry

Adding more to the collection: