Let’s Funk - Collab

like not from a website

do you see something like this?

I dont know how to get there

it’s the email they send when someone invites you to a project
we should stop worrying about the site and focus on the game

i mean where is that screenshot im new to glitch

the email you used to sign up for glitch

I cant remember where that is for me

we should focus on game development, not site
btw, is english you guys’ 1st language, I’ve noticed a few grammar hiccups

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Yeah but my grammer is pretty bad tbh

it happens ;-; for example you keep saying like Sevonix Game’s implying we are owned by Sevonix Game

Lets get back to making games

so first thing is to fix the vcam bugs and maybe make the energy slider a bit faster, or make the songs longer so i can test the death screen triggers

Since your gmail account ends with “edu,” then I’ll be guessing that it’s an educational account. Educational accounts should block suspicious emails, therefore BSA might’ve send you the invitation through an email, but your account might have deleted it by default.

That’s just my guess…

Also, try to not share much info and focus more on the game.
I recommend editing some posts and blocking out your emails after you guys are done with them
(it’s not against the rules since the info is related to a Wick project, but more of a recommendation)

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yeah, school spam filters can be pretty strict

hey can you invite me into glitch

I remade the arrows again, it looks a little better FNF2-19-2021_10-27-48.wick (56.2 KB)

Wdym? Do you want me to invite you to edit the site if you do then give me your glitch username

I like it!

i just wanted to join :cry:… my user name in glitch is @userstudios_owner

check your emails