latest version letsfunk2-18-2021_22-00-07.wick (3.2 MB)
I like it (also if you guys need another animator for the studio then I can help)
I’ll have to look tomorrow
Btw name the project LetsFunk in wick
Thanks I have no brain for code but just tell me what to animate and I’ll do it
ok thats cool but I think we have good enough arrows
LetsFunk2-19-2021_8-13-08.wick (3.6 MB)
did a few things
also, im thinking we should make cheat codes
we need to fix the vcam
If you guys are using the vcam just for panning, and not to change the screen size, then you can replace the vcam’s (update script) code with just this:
this.showBlackBorders = true;
this.gotoAndStop(this.showBlackBorders ? 2 : 3);
this.project.renderBlackBars = false;
this.project.pan.x = -(this.x - project.width/2);
this.project.pan.y = -(this.y - project.height/2);
this way, the Vcam will only be used for panning, and the project zoom level shouldn’t change.
Also, I’m not part of this collab, I’m just giving suggestions
um when you get to a certain note it sais you died
time to edit the todo list
adjusted todo
it still glitches on the bsa level
can someone fix that
It’s in the file
I know that