Lets make a game!

aready added that

BallBounce12-21-2020_7-57-26.wick (32.3 KB)

oh cool! the collisions are trampolines!

lol2.wick (32.4 KB)
i fixed a major bug

hitboxes are broken BallBounce12-21-2020_9-20-25.wick (73.4 KB)

im gonna add music but here is the song: Branster Oofus - dey

stickrangame12-23-2020_9-36-46AM.wick (1.1 MB)
here i added music and added a new level

I made some music for start menu. https://youtu.be/IMN-5gX_hjQ

Here’s a song i made thus far Block Wave

great music.

Full song: Block Wave

BallBounce12-24-2020_9-21-03.wick (1.1 MB)

stickrangame12-23-2020_9-36-46AM.wick (1.1 MB) added a play button

uhh, wrong file

stickrangame12-23-2020_9-36-46AM.wick (1.1 MB) this one?

why is it called sticrangame/???

i dont know

had to go broom the kitchen sorry

ok im just taking a break

im gonna go add a boss level