Mac OS X Big Sur won't open .pkg download

Has this bug been reported already?
Can’t find it.

Describe the bug
Downloaded Mac_Wick.Editor-1.19.0.pkg but upon clicking the pkg file, I get the error message: ““Mac_Wick.Editor-1.19.0.pkg” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information.”

To Reproduce
Download the above file from wickeditor and click on it.

Expected behavior
It should launch the installer.

See above

*Computer Information

  • Mac OSX Big Sur
  • Device Type: MacBook Pro
  • Browser Firefolx
    **Do you have a suggested solution to this issue?
    Update your software package.

Additional context None.

Go to files-downloads-pkg file
Right click
Click open
Confirm you want to open

This is a security feature and there’s nothing that can be done about it

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Thanks for the tip Watrmein. You’re right, of course, about it being a security feature, but it is one that Wick can fix at their end.

a bunch of apps downloaded from the internet have this, it’s just a precaution. but if you trust it and it doesn’t give you a button to trust it, you can go to system preferences -> security + privacy and you can approve it there. (i think, i forgot the exact path)