Making an object show

Anyone wanna make an object show? I’m thinking 3 animators, 5 voice actors, but I might make them speak in text. 4 people to work on the intro, anyone in?


i can but not in the mood rn

i can do it i do have my own object show but its not doing well right now

i can animate and voice act in 2 voices soo i guesss i can do 3 peoples work…

yea bro, i can animate + voice act

im also really good with graphic design so if you need any assets let me know :)

i could help

I can animate

i’m in the mood now

hey Is this still open? I’d love to come help with the animations

i can help

How 2 Make a Object Show5-9-2024_0-46-45.wick (217.6 KB)
There’s 10 Steps on it.

im making an object show too, its based off a comic(s) i made, heres a character, his name is less than.

1 Like

Could I join

made fan art of the contestant :P
Screenshot 2024-05-09 193450
Screenshot 2024-05-09 194052

I’ma make an object show too

why don’t you just make a new collab this collab is from last year

sure (10 words)

Thank you, but he’s not a host, he’s a contestant

Oh ok!

ok, can someone make a discord for this?