Making another object show

You guys may have heard of The Lazy Object Show, and maybe if your and OG Battle For Computer.

But the lazy object show has a specific thing that beats the purpose.


So i wanted to make a NEW object show, (don’t worry, The Lazy Object Show isn’t canceled) and it will have voice actors! I’ve decided that the show will be planned here, with all the animatics and stuff, and then we will release the show too!

I hope you guys want to animate, and wish you ALL the best of luck!

(btw, the show is called Amazing Objects)

im not gonna tag anyone im just gonna let them find out.

i take it back @ADRAWANIMATES help!!!

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@Thingy_Unknown @typical_bread @noobfield @L4nt3rn @glottisfandango @charm?

Okay, I’ll voice act.

I will try to voice act and animate /ahh

I dunno what I should do since I can’t animate very well for now…
maybe I can voice act idk

oh yeah I’ll also animate.

thanks for all the audition! but if you said you wanna animate, make an audition.

here are the assets so far for the auditions if you wanna make one: object show assets3-29-2025_8-52-31.wick (6.2 KB)


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OH OK, TELL ME IF YOU DO CHANGE YOUR MIND THO. sorry i was on caps lock.

Bruh ok fine

@typical_bread can you send me the asset for your character?

You know that if you make the assets a clip and press “Ctrl e” you can download it as a asset (aka wickobj)

Who? metal pipe?

Yes you told me at church

Yes metal pipe

k (stupid ten character)

Anyways, make the asset ok?