What Wick Editor Version are you using?
1.19.0 (on Linux Mint appimage)
also 1.19.3 on the wick website.
Describe the Problem
I was making an animation and added ~73 ‘objects’ to a clip and some of the ‘front’ objects got pushed to the ‘back’.
It also had a 300Kb .jpg file as a “Asset”
What have you tried so far?
I tried to isolate it down to some of the objects. I found that once it ‘went weird’ it stayed that way. I had 6 objects that I put into a separate frame and clip and they also flipped “front to back” positions when I “make clip”.
After a couple of hours scratching my head I found that if I “made a clip”, “broke it up”, unselected and reselected the objects and “made a clip” again it would finally be in the correct order. So apparently it flips the order, then flips it back.
Do you have a Wick Editor File that we can see? Optional*
Attach a .wick file if you have one in progress that can help us help you!
I’ve attached the file. Notice the file is still ~300Kb after I removed 60 or 70 objects. A bit excessive for 9 or ten objects I would think. My guess is the .jpg file some how corrupted the file.
P4 buggy -2-20-2021_23-18-16.wick (289.7 KB)