uh how do you make maps that save progress
ok that’s pretty advanced
explain a little more
have you played henry stikmin??? kinda like the maps in henry stikmin
well most of the good coders
are asleep right now
we asians kinda have to wait
let me try something
I looked over those games and they kind of seem like “choose your adventure” style games? Where you just pick different paths/options and it gives you different results. Kind of like this?
choose-paths10-9-2020_3-19-48AM.wick (7.1 KB)
I’m not sure how much progress you intend to save. If you just mean remembering the last place you were, or the last thing you did, you could try what I did in that file, and have the project stop on different frames depending on what path you took.
if we are talking about saving info maybe a point system could help
event1 gives you 1 good ending point and 1 netural ending point
event 2 gives you 1 good ending point and 1 bad ending point
and then since you have 2 good ending points it triggers the good ending
how bout that :)
kinda like that but when you click a button or enter a frame it saves it as a medal you know?
also points
just wait untill 3 or 4 more hours
they’ll be here soon
3 hours later…
Hi @Emilio_Aldeza, you can really just save variables on the windows local storage, but you can use variables to define if the player’s medal is golden or not. It’s a bit confusing, I’ve saved stuff before. Here’s a quick example that saves the data that you plug in, and after reloading (or stopping the game from running then running it again), it automatically starts with what you had saved last:
list for school 9.wick (146.8 KB)
(that’s the same wick file for this website)
you have summoned me? after 9 hours but whatever
what’s this i mean it’s cool dude but wait
Type in something in the top left textbox, click enter, click the save button, exit the project then go back, and u should start off with the same things u had typed in last
can you do the same but with buttons and different frames?
Yes, u can either share the project (and I add this to it, then share it back), or give me a description of what u need, and I give u a code
what code did you use again of saving i’m going to try it
I used the window.localStorage to save variables
Step one:
Add this to your default script:
Then, set a project variable equal to a saved one, here’s an example:
project.p13 =project.local_storage.getItem(“b13”);
(side note, I learned this from wick forums, so thank u Revon)
Next step would be to define “b13”
wait do i use the code on a frame or an object?
I would use it on a frame
(i don’t think it really matters that much)