Maze hitbox

when you make a shape by combining lines, the hitbox is a big square. i want to make a player that detects when it touches a maze wall but the only way i know is to make many different lines and make the player check all of them. is there an easier way to do this?

There are several ways to accomplish this… but I would create a Layer exclusively for the maze lines, so I can read all lines from that layer and put them into an array, so later the player can check for each maze line using a for loop…

Screen Shot 2022-01-22 at 10.32.53 AM

Within the MAZE layer put all your maze lines… of course they shall be all clips. Put the player in PLAYER layer so the code doesn’t add the player into the maze lines array.

Here is the example…
MazeExample1-22-2022_10-33-03.wick (4.9 KB)