Messing with .Wick Files

Today we will be editting wick files and reviewing the project json to learn how wick files work if you want to add more detail you can

wick files are zip files with a assets folder and a project json

some how if i rename the MP4 to an MP3 it stills recognizes it as an MPEG
so does this mean that Wick Editor does support Video files but loads them as a audio file

as shown here they recongnize assets by they json file to now how to run them

by using code i do not understand they recognize Layers it also tells them if they are locked or not
Screenshot 2022-08-28 5.17.35 PM

if you do not know how to make sounds loop editing the json can make your audio loop for you

Screenshot 2022-08-28 5.19.45 PM

again you can add more things if you want too

i edited the json by using a json editor and save it to my downloads and then created a zip of the assets i copy and pasted off the original project and created a zip of it and renamed the zip to wick open it on wick editor and it failed to open this tells you that you can not just create one yourself and edit the data unless you understand how it works

Hey MO from future here it turns out the json has to be named Project and when i open it it says the files was corrupted