Minecraft survival animation collab (not a game)

(I am the leader of this collab)
(This not a video game) The people that join this collab will get their own Minecraft skin on the video! you will need send your your minecraft skin file and I will make the minecraft skin.The Minecraft animation will be posted on youtube
Use this as a template minecraft2-12-2021_19-35-39.wick (90.0 KB)

Uhhh… this doesn’t meet the requirements for collabs…?
You are supposed to fill out the template.

what do you mean?

You may get suspending for spamming and harassing (just saying)

I am still working on the template?

The template is supossed to be here :

I can’t close/edit collabs, but check what Luxapodular sent you.

Who is Luxapodular?

Also I am still working on the template

He is the creator of wick his full name is luca damasco

Take your time.


if the mods close your collab then just ignore it and move on it happend to @myuzernamesthis6 4 times

here is what I have so far.
minecraft2-12-2021_19-09-24.wick (224.4 KB)

bruh, fill out the form for collabs

What do you mean?

you need to fill out this form or the mods are going to close this topic:

  1. Title: Give your Collab a Name! This Title should be descriptive. Your Topic name should be “Collab: Collab Name”.
  2. Topic: What is this Collab about? Be specific!
  3. Time Frame: When is this collaboration being held? When do submissions end? Make sure to give your collab enough time! This must be specific. (i.e. Jan. 1 2021 - Jan. 30 2021)
  4. Submission Requirements: What does someone need to submit to join your collab? When do they need to submit by?
  5. Project Requirements: What are the specs that submitted projects should be in? Should users submit their .wick file, an .mp4, or another type of file?
  6. Project Leads: Who is leading this project? Is there a team?