Mobile to pc

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Describe the Problem
idk how to make a mobile game stable for pc

What have you tried so far?
useing follow mouse code

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s.s mobile5-14-2021_12-37-09.wick (30.3 KB)

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Why would you need to make this good for pc, you already have made 5 games for pc and this one is specifically for mobile isn’t it?

maybe they want to make the game on a computer but make it a mobile game.

a better way to move the player (or whatever you want to do in a mobile game) would be to use something like mousedown or mouseclick to move instead of constantly moving to the mouse.

Here are some methods you can use:
s.s mobile5-18-2021_14-43-30.wick (52.2 KB)

Frame 2 - Move cursor on the side of the screen where you want the player to move to
Frame 3 - Click down either on the right or left side of the screen to go there
Frame 4 - Click buttons for right/ left movement

(These are just examples I made really quickly)

thanks dude