Multiple resolution options

I have a question regarding resolutions. There currently are three different options to set resolution:

Which one ist the option I should care about, does one overwrite the other, or do they all somehow sum up…?

Oh, and I’m on Ver 1.19.3, and I’m trying to export as videos or image sequences.

PROJECT RES: sets the universal canvas size (no vcams)
VCAM RES: if active, the user will only see what is in the vcam (only interactive exports)
EXPORT RES: sets the size to export in, if you made a 1920x1080 anim but exported it as 1080x1080 wick will stretch it.
NOTE: since code doesn’t run when exporting as audio, video, gif, or picture, and only in interactive, vcam only works in exports where code runs

Well, you could use the v-cam for both videos and interactives.

Yes, vcam also works on videos. I’m only using tweens and no custom programming.

Here’s an example (Just some simple camera rotation):
(zipped mp4 since the forum doesn’t support mp4’s)