My lip-sync asset that works with Papagayo

Hi, I’ve been mucking about with an old tool for scrubbing audio and setting mouth shapes called Papagayo. I’ve used it in the past with Moho and Blender. I thought it would make a nice aid to those looking for some way to get lip-syncing right. The tool outputs a text file that you can copy into my asset and then match your characters lips to your audio. Its a workaround I think most will find acceptable.

My method is…

  1. Open Papagayo then use it to scrub your audio and find the mouthshapes necessary to your dialogue.
  2. Export the dat file from Papagayo and open it in a text editor.
  3. Copy the text data from bellow the MohoSwitch1 and paste it into my lip-sync asset where it says “fileContent”

    You can change the mouth shapes to suit your character and add individual assets for each character in your scene/game/movie… (9.9 KB)

I’m sure to tweak it a bit.