My new object show, ACHEIVING OBJECTS!

Here are the assets my mouth assets are made by @Flipaclip_Master master.

ASSETS:Achieving Objects assets3-5-2025_21-43-30.wick (97.4 KB)

umm ok… do you want me to animate some?/

yes sure… but make an audition.


Here’s my audition!

how do you do that?!?!?!? accepted.

can i start animating episode 1?

sure and umm freestyle it no animatics or scripts!

is your show voice acting or text to speech?

ummm you pick.

enters‎ ‎ ‎ ‎


by tweens.

@Kwabena_Nyarko we need to gather a team. So @Thingy_Unknown is already hired, if @Green_Firey2010 ever gets on the forums again i will ask him if he wants to.

So @charm said she cant do another project so she is not on the list,

And here are the people that if they want, they can.

@noobfield, @Black_Jaguar_Animate, @glottisfandango, @frostedcereal @ADRAWANIMATES isoff of the forums but she is in consideration anyways. And of course,

And of course, me and you, @Kwabena_Nyarko are working!

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ok should we do a script?

sure i guess.

since your in my school, imma make a google doc and share it with you.

i shared it with you stop at the part with the cameo.

what i sent it to you1!!!

i meant do i stop at the part with the cameo but ok