My Pixie Dress-up is in alpha!

So here’s what I’ve been working on upon installing this editor, Shin Megami Tensei: Pixie Dressup! I hope I’m sharing my wick correctly. I’m still pretty new to the community.

Anyway, I made this because I used to make a lot of flash dressups during the mid-2000’s, and wanted to get back into doing that again. Also, I wanna thank Hamzah_Al_Ani for helping me with the coding! I would’ve been lost without the tutorials he shared.

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Hey Meron, I’m glad to see that you’ve completed your game!
It looked pretty fun, though the link you send shows me this

You may want to edit the share link settings to make it public, or you can try uploading the file on the forums without using google drive by clicking this button

Oops! Thanks for being a big help yet again! Try this!

Pixie_Dress-Up6-28-2024_17-11-11.html (2.4 MB)

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Ooh, I’m really glad that tutorial help you out it looks great!