My video wont finish rendering!

Hey @Monaco1, I just sent a PM with rendered animations. Still looking into the bug.

If I were going to do a big animation like you’re doing I would use Blender grease pencil or OpenToonz.

Are those free tho?

Yes. But there’s a bit of a learning curve. I would recommend Blender Grease Pencil. It’s part of Blender 2.82. It’s a huge community though with lots of tutorials.


alright thanks man! Ive actually been reasearching free animation softwares but this one has never come up. I’ll try it!

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Blender is an awesome tool. (It’s what I used back in the day to learn my first animations!)

You were right. It was really overwhelming with all of its tools littered all over. I’ll try and figure it out a bit, I’m still using wick too though.

ok till thats done can you help me wit my movie my bout to make please ima pay you like 9k