My Wick Editor Review

Good: the program is really nice its really helpful for beginners at animating and I chose wick editor because I saw it in alan becker video and because I’m sucks at animating and it has soooo many java script codes like const and all other things and adobe flash and animate are limited at coding

Bad: the only thing is that wick is a little bit limited at animating there are some things that are missing

i can say that wick editor is 8 out of 10 so @Luxapodular please respond to this


that was hard to read lol

what this took me 10 min

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This sentence is like 48 words long. You couldn’t have used any punctuation?

idk i’m looking at the wikipedia article for actionscript and when looking at the History section it looks pretty not limited.

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Agree. @Youyou Action Script 3.0 is a powerful language and it has const and everything else… That was my favorite language at some point in my life…

Edit: On your good list… you are forgetting that WE is free to use and open source. Adobe Animate is not free and is not Open Source.

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no you just cannot code in adobe

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you are right

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Not sure what do you mean… If you are saying that we can’t code in Adobe Animate and do interactive apps or games… then, that is not correct. We can. Their language is Action Script and it has tons of integrated functions on how to manipulate your drawings and animations… More than the WE.

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oh but will wick put python language as well i love python more than java and it could be nice if they some python language

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No because they would have to make a Python interpreter. The reason they chose JavaScript for scripting is because JavaScript has built-in functionality to run JavaScript, with eval() or new Function(). And Wick Editor was programmed in JavaScript.

Well I guess they could find a Python interpreter online written already before, but it’d be slower than running JavaScript code.

side note

Speaking of external dependencies, I wonder why there is a library in Wick Editor that’s just 3 lines of code to provide the lerp function. Couldn’t they have just written it themselves?

function lerp(v0, v1, t) {
    return v0*(1-t)+v1*t
module.exports = lerp

(And you mean JavaScript, not Java. Java and Javascript, although they have similar names, are two completely different languages so you cannot shorten JavaScript to Java. Say “JS” instead.)

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Maybe is a good way to give them credit rather than copy it line by line… but good point.

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Well linear interpolation is such a standard function that dates back to BCE*, so why would credit be given to that person in the first place?

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It was just a guess… but sometimes, we don’t know who the main inventor was… and we just saw an specific implementation, and that is the one that we included on our projects… That happens very often…

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I agree i have some Others Points but i could make them in my one Review but good Review :+1::+1::+1::+1: