New Forum Categories

Hi Again Everyone,

We’ve just added new categories to the Wick Forums!

  • Bug Reporting
  • Demos and Tutorials
  • Feature Suggestions
  • Help
  • The Wick Forums

What do you think about these categories?
What other categories should we think about adding?

Why is there a category called The Wick Forums?

edit: nevermind I get it

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@Jilno Any suggestions on a better name that we can use for “The Wick Forums”?

I think the usual term for that is ‘meta’-something because it’s like, a forum for discussions about the forum itself

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I think it should be called The Forum.

I know i will get spanked by the mods for this, but i am posting on the least active post ever.

Im not a mod but I know reviving dead posts isn’t a good thing (I haven’t looked over the rules in a hot minute so I don’t know if its against the rules or not

Shush! I was bored, and made a grave mistake.

I looked over the rules and it doesn’t say anywhere that it’s against the rules (I don’t think, I just glossed over it), but I know people don’t like it anyway so I doubt you would get in very much trouble unless you revived a ton of dead posts.

I didn’t ask, but one of the posters here does not exist in the internet anymore (no github, no twttr), not even a spec of him is existing, name: @zrispo.