Hi Again Everyone,
We’ve just added new categories to the Wick Forums!
- Bug Reporting
- Demos and Tutorials
- Feature Suggestions
- Help
- The Wick Forums
What do you think about these categories?
What other categories should we think about adding?
Hi Again Everyone,
We’ve just added new categories to the Wick Forums!
What do you think about these categories?
What other categories should we think about adding?
Why is there a category called The Wick Forums?
edit: nevermind I get it
I think the usual term for that is ‘meta’-something because it’s like, a forum for discussions about the forum itself
I think it should be called The Forum.
I know i will get spanked by the mods for this, but i am posting on the least active post ever.
Im not a mod but I know reviving dead posts isn’t a good thing (I haven’t looked over the rules in a hot minute so I don’t know if its against the rules or not
Shush! I was bored, and made a grave mistake.
I looked over the rules and it doesn’t say anywhere that it’s against the rules (I don’t think, I just glossed over it), but I know people don’t like it anyway so I doubt you would get in very much trouble unless you revived a ton of dead posts.
I didn’t ask, but one of the posters here does not exist in the internet anymore (no github, no twttr), not even a spec of him is existing, name: @zrispo.
Yeah, it’s not precisely against the rules but we don’t like it when old posts are revived since it brings no further meaning to the thread.
Also @zrispo, aka Zach Rispoli, was one of the co-creators of Wick.
He definitely exists and is still alive— just not working on Wick anymore.
Here’s his site, still pretty active on github
it’s not always a bad thing to bump old posts, especially if it’s still relevant. it’s pretty unlikely we’ll take any moderation action on bumping posts unless it’s particularly spammy and repetitive (at that point, you’re being punished for plain spam and not for replying to old posts).