New Version?

Hi Everybody,

I see that Wick moved up a point-version! Great! :slight_smile:
I’m trying to find a change-log, but I cannot find it. Is it available somewhere?
I want to offer “translating”, if need be, a technical changelog to an human readable one?

regards and keep it up!


No changelog ready for 1.18 yet, however the 1.17 changelog does cover most major changes for the last release! (New!) Wick Editor Version 1.17.1 - New Clip Options, Editor Options, Onion Skinning, and More!

Would love to chat and see if you could help scrap together a 1.18 change log though! We have all of the updates made the branch listed (in one way or another) on the Github Project for 1.18 ( and the Github Project for… The new Mobile Editor! (

Let me know if this is something you’re interested in!