No Ideas and Need Them

I need some ideas please! Anything helps. Thank you!

like for an animation? What kind of animation do you want to do?

Any ideas, really. Mainly animation, since I am not a professional at script at all.

Yeah, I can’t code either. How about a classic stick fight?

Sure, I will try. Thank you for everything @Jaminator !

You’re welcome!

Project2-4-2021_8-51-10.wick (701.0 KB)

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Welcome to the forums @WickNewbie, use like an idea generator.

That’s a pretty good idea!

You could use random words and make 3 different texts, then run the project and it would tell you an idea!

Here’s an example, you can edit it by reading the script inside the button that says GO! (i added an explanation of what you have to do inside the button) (alsooo, i added the first thing that came to my mind, if you want to you can change them!)
random text chooser!2-4-2021_16-21-42.wick (3.9 KB)