Notascape Alpha - Updates and more!


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now i own 5% of the game

i just made 30 bucks chopping wood so i may buy a domain for sevonix :sunglasses:


Version Alpha 1.5.6 (v8) is here!
what’s new
Sevonix is now handling game art! We’ve done a complete game makeover! Otherwise, the fundamentals are the same.
There’s also been a new building added, logos, new main menu and a how to play dialogue that appears after starting the game, or when you press T afterward.

Bruh we know lol

I have been in sevonix games seince the beginning and I still have not seen the new website

Well check it on a pc that doesn’t block io links

send it and I will try to get on another computor

Not done yet tho

i am gonna edit the site rn

You need to fork it to save it


are u hosting it with codepen?
i would recommend using repl

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no were not hosting with codepen were just coding the thing in codepen
were gonna copy all the code and host it on github

im going to make a youtube channel for sevonix games where I post game anoucements, trailers etc.

Nice, now we can get a domain

Can you email me the login info so i can also?
Also, can we put this in another thread, cause we’re just doing this in someone else’s game thread

Also, should I announce the game on Hatcap Studios? (the official youtube channel of hc)

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Lemme whip up a trailer
