What Wick Editor Version are you using?
Describe the Problem
I am currently working on a game that is quite large. (over 400+ scenes, 200+ js lines) and when I sent it to my friends over discord, and almost half of them had issues running the game.
Game speed is tied to FPS. Even when putting the game FPS at 20, it still will run poorly.
And the strangest thing is, one of my freinds can play call of duty black ops 3 on his computer just fine, but then struggles to run my game at even 5 fps.
I a trying the find a way to make projects run better in the browser. Making bigger games has been almost impossible with this limitation.
What have you tried so far?
I researched converting the HTML5 file into a exe file. I had 0 luck doing that because all HTA files on windows still use IE. Which is not capable of running exported wick files.
If anyone even has IDEAS on how get around this please reply to this thread!