Origin position bug

I don’t know what causes it, but if you can’t watch the video or don’t understand it, the origin is a new 1.16.2 feature, and i put the middle of the rectangle at (0, 0). after I rotate the rectangle, the origin position “changes” without really moving the rectangle’s position. after i deselect and reselect the rectangle, the origin goes back to (0, 0).

If you want to move the origin, it will only work in Clip mode, (i am sure you’re aware of that, but for the new users…),

I tested it both ways though, Clip and just a square shape. I see what you mean about the numbers changing, but it does exactly what it is suppose to do (once you click away and back you will see it reads zero again). Position seems to align to the top left corner of the shape, and Origin to the middle or if you used Clip mode, where ever you moved it. Perhaps the numbers shift due to calculating things. But they go back to zero if you click on canvas and back. You have good eyes :)

Confusing terms…but you never really moved the origin, just where zero aligns up on the canvas. I hope i understood what you meant…

think i know what you mean. i think it’s kinda like how on a non-clipped object, the angle of the object is reset to 0 when you de/reselect it.
my theory from what you said is that the origin numbers are from taking half of the width and height and adding it to the left corner width/height. when you rotate the non-clipped object, the position of the left corner changes, but the width and height don’t. this makes the origin inaccurate. once you de/reselect the object, the width and height change, and so does the top left corner position, so the origin is accurate again.

I’ll probably try to make a diagram if no one understands what i mean.