I’m making a piano, and some things are missing that are important to making it work that I would like to ask.
While coding the piano keys, I realized that there were only playSound and stopAllSounds in the Sound functions. There appears to be no stopSound to stop only a specific sound. For example, I press a key that plays C3, and then I press another key to press C# / Db. When I release one of the keys, both keys stop. This issue can make or break my piano, and I think adding something like stopSound() would be super helpful.
It seems I cannot use things like “tab” to trigger an action. Maybe I just don’t know how to do it, but I tried “if(key === ‘tab’)” and the tab did nothing. I’m pretty sure this is the same with things like delete, caps lock, shift, return, etc. I also found that “`” doesn’t work, and I want to get some clarification on this.
This is not anything to do with the piano itself, but I believe this is a bug. If you are not in the code editor and you delete a script, the code will pop up in front of the warning of whether you want to delete the script or not. After you confirm, the editor re-appears.
Tank u!