
Nice, only improvements i can think of are more levels or custom level sharing.
Also if you want to see it, we’re working on a platformer too.

really neat! i like it :D

hey @Steven I made a level for you My Project3-19-2021_12-11-12.wick I fixed the cheeze

any progress @Steven?

BrickStar’s Rating

Age Rating

Why 0

The game doesn’t contain any harmful content!

Quality Rating

The Game is OK rated

Why ok

The game is Verry basic the visuals are not stunning and the gameplay is ok BUT that doesn’t mean that this game is Bad it is ok I think with some updates the game easily could get a G or even P rating. What i like is the Level builder it would be cool to save the Levels


good things:

The Game is Working I experienced no bugs. also, the level Builder is very cool and the New mechanics that are sometimes there are very cool

Things that could be improved on:

The levels are looking Boring and the player is a Blue cube with a 1 Written on it there is defiantly more that could be done on the Visual site of things I mean you can draw so use it :smiley: . also, The levels could get a little kick a special mechanic that is Going through the game like a Flying Mechanik or a Spider Thing Idk but something original or different I’m sure you can do that


You have Big Potential in your hand The level builder is so good with some tweaks and more things you could create something exzellent!!! So do some improvements I think you can do that :grinning:

Infos about the Rating :question: