how do i update frames when i press a button?? i need help fothis
Hi @Emilio_Aldeza, welcome to the wick forums :D
You can update the timeline by using one of the following:
the “gotoNextFrame();” code has the project go to the next frame.
“gotoPrevFrame();” has the project walk “back in time”
“stop();” stops the whole timeline from moving!
“play();” makes the timeline play!
“gotoAndStop(2);” makes the timeline go to and STOP at frame 2, you can change the number to the number of the frame, or frame name, that you would like the project to go to.
“gotoAndPlay(2);” makes the timeline go to and play at frame 2, you can change the number to the number of the frame, or frame name, that you would like the project to go to.
To make those updates happen when an object is clicked, just click any object, you should see a “create button” button, press that, then go to the “mouseClick” script, then you should be able to plug in any of the lines above.
Let me know if this helps
? um can you say it in a more understandable way?
can you give me a wick file example?
sure, I’ll make one right now
(shouldn’t take long)
Here it is: My Project10-8-2020_9-57-42AM.wick (3.8 KB)
Click the words to see how they work, then look at their code
Let me know if you’re still confused on how to change a frame
i mean i meant like when you press this button then that frame will save like progress you know?? like the henry stikmin games
like when you acomplish someting it like saves progress or something what ever i don’t know how to explain it