Really really basic bezier curve

i didn’t take any time to make it pretty or super usable or anything, but i’ll explain this a little bit.

there are 3 points, and they make up a bezier curve. if you don’t know what they are, here’s a picture I found online.

the example in the wick file below is parametric, and all that means (in this case) is that you have to input a moment in “time” and it will spit out one point along the entire curve. the “time” is a number between 0 and 1. (the function does not show you the entire curve at once, but it can trace the path of a curve.)

I have it so that every frame it increases the “time” by a little bit, so you can see the blue dot tracing the curve.

this example only has 3 points because I was lazy. so, uh, go crazy with it, i don’t know. might be useful in some cases for games.

bezier curve4-9-2023_20-43-19.wick (2.5 KB)

(i made this in the test editor (, but it shouldn’t make a difference)