Rendering my project as an mp4, i get blank screen

Complete the following questions so forum users and Wick Editor developers can give you the best help possible! If the following questions are not completed, your post may be edited or removed.

Has this bug been reported already?
No, this bug has not been reported
Describe the bug
a really annoying bug where every time i try to export it to an mp4, it does the process of exporting and then when i test the file to see if it works, its just blank! and then when i get to the browser window, its just blank! lucky thing i saved my file because autosave doesn’t work…

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the bug, if you have them (I do, kinda):

  1. Go to ‘the wick editor animation editor’
  2. Make a really long animation, 1000 - 1200 frames with lots of change in colour
  3. Export video as a .mp4 file
  4. Watch video
  5. See error

Expected behavior
My animation all ready to share via email and fully rendered with all the sounds
I SHOULD have gotten my animation all rendered and ready to go…
What it ACTUALLY looked like

Computer Information

  • OS: Chrome OS (based on Linux)
  • Device Type: Desktop
  • Browser: Chrome

Do you have a suggested solution to this issue? (ex. has another program fixed this bug a certain way? Are you familiar with where in the code base someone would need to fix this issue?)
Nope, this one is just an issue with the exportation that they need to fix, though it could be to do with the size and memory that the project takes up. Please keep in mind that I was rendering the project in 1080p

Additional context (Optional)
This just happened out of the blue, nothing like this has ever happened with my animation

Not a really good fix, but splitting the animation across multiple file should help.

This happened to me on my chromebook I think You should put the file on google drive then watch it there.

wick is notorious for creating video/gif files that may or may not play depending on where it’s being viewed. (for example, a video could work fine on your computer and then break when you upload it to discord.)

so as incognito said, you can just try putting it on a different platform and seeing if it magically works. another possible fix is you go to an online converter and convert your broken video into a different file format (for example, mp4 to mov). if the converter is able to decode the file, the output video it produces should work fine.

@Incognito @BaronAWC thanks i will try :slight_smile:

@Incognito @BaronAWC well hey it worked thanks guys

You welcome