Reset camera position to middle on load

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Describe the Problem
I am working on another platformer, this time i added it so it slides with the person on the x axis. But the issue is that when the person finishes the level, it is supposted to go to the next frame. But right now, the camera is off center. What should I do to make it go back into position?

What have you tried so far?
okay im bad a javascipt so i wrote this and it still did not work :confused:
this.project.pan.x = project.width;

Do you have a Wick Editor File that we can see? Optional*
stickjump.wick (245.4 KB)

btw the project ratio is 720p

stickjump1-21-2021_19-36-09.wick (248.2 KB)

Does this help?

I used a v-cam to fix it.

Thank you! I never thought of it that way!

Glad to help!

There’s lines in the up part and down part in the html version but that’s because of the v-cam, i don’t know how to fix it tho, hope the solution i gave is good enough.

nevermind. it was a issue on my side. it works fine!