Rigging Problem

Does anyone know how to make a rig that can turn and spin?

The example is what Use @Boxy Did to the Minecraft Steve rig in this forum: Alan Becker Style

Ive tried studying. the code but I can’t do anything with it

Looking at code can help you be able to understand how something works, but it definitely won’t teach you everything about coding. You should look into Wick Editor’s API and learn lots of JavaScript, and then you’ll be able to make excellent rigs using lines of text.

With all this being said this is a lot easier to do in Toon Boom Harmony, but it’s priced for studios so I wouldn’t touch it unless I had to.

If you can describe what kind of rig you want :Ḏ Though my code pretty much only uses cos and sin

Like how you did the Steve skin
I would like to do that without having to make a clip and choose each frame every time, like a control panel

Like that but I don’t have much expireance

Sorry for the late reply. Do you have a character that I could use? It would help me more understand what you mean.

Sorry, its been… 16 DAYS HOLY CRAP UH UH, HERE IM SO SORRYADRAW RIGTEST.wick (1.9 MB) is the rig and im SORRY