Run preview is fine, but exported GIF skips frames

Hi. My project runs great in the preview, but when I export the GIF, several frames skip when played back. I’ve done a dozen or so animations now and I believe it’s the only one that sticks when saved.

This is the file if it’s helpful. I don’t know how to report bugs so I don’t know if I need to include anything else.
Crane Lifter-Oct5-2018-12.18PM.wick

Am I doing something wrong? Thank you.

Update: Tried to upload Zip file but new users are not allowed

Hi @joe,

In the current version of Wick Editor the gif renderer has A LOt of issues like this. However, we’ll be releasing a test version of the Wick Editor next wednesday, October 24th which should fix this problem!

You’re more than likely not doing anything wrong, sorry about the bug!

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No apologies necessary. It’s a great little tool! Especially for a noobie like me who has never made a custom GIF before. Thank you for the response.