Score counter

in the middle of making this thing for my friends to play a game, so here’s my first working version. it includes increasingly strong shaking effects when you are changing the score by a lot.

INSTRUCTIONS: press the +1 and -1 buttons to change score, hold down to auto-click.

i was too lazy to make buttons so i’m just using my stacker game assets. i don’t think my game needs much more functionality but i will think about adding +10 and -10 point buttons. this is good for most tabletop games that don’t have a score counter i suppose.

it might need slight modifications to be more versatile though. my code kinda sucks and is all over the place, but if you want to mod it go ahead.


score counter1-16-2025_20-02-12.wick (68.5 KB)


score counter1-16-2025_20-42-17.wick (123.5 KB)


score counter1-16-2025_21-12-51.wick (52.7 KB)

as of writing this, i’m hosting this on a github page ( however this might change to a different page in the future if i repurpose it.