Simple ball game

I was bored in the quarantine and decided to start working on this game. It started off as a β€œtest” project where I just mess around wick until I find something new, and kinda grew from there. It kept me busy for a good 2 hours, though the bot still looks broken :sweat_smile:

Arrows to move, and for 2 players mode, arrows and ws (wasd) works. I had 2 secret shortcuts coded in the game to make it easier for me to gain abilities :+1:

ball project done.wick (44.1 KB)


great game @Hamzah_Al_Ani
What does the bot level +/- do?
Good work


Thanks @Greg. The bot level changes the difficulty of the bot
The higher the harder it is to score a point against the bot, but
the lower the easier (all it really changes in the code is the speed
of the bot, so a -1 would make the level so easy, the bot would move
away from where the ball would be headed).

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