Small Editor Hack to read external scripts

Using @Hamzah_Al_Ani tutorial, and some other tricks, I was able to read and execute an script that lives outside of the wick file in my local drive…

Step [1]. Copy the following file in your PC somewhere: (this is the external js code… to be executed)

Step [2]. Open this wick file in the editor:
ExternalScriptTest.wick (9.2 KB)

Step [3]. Press “Play” button and then Stop it. At that point you should be a new button…
Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 3.22.50 AM

Step [4]. Press that button and select the javascript file from the Step 2.

Step [5]. Then, press “Play” button again. You should see the external code running…

Fun isn’t ? : )


cool dude can you send more js files

More js files? About…? Not sure if I understand…

I’m happy that tutorial helped, and the results are amazing!
I also gotta admit, hacking Wick is fun :slight_smile:

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i meant can you please send more java script files

I understood that part… I dont have anything prepared at the moment… those 2 files work together, since the wick file has already the fly clip drawn and hide, with the AM clip.

The AM clip is the one that receives the code and executes it.

If you want to use this hack, the caviat is that all your code should be in one file.

I could hack it a little bit more, but I will not, because I will strongly suggest to @Luxapodular and his team to implement the adecuate and definite solution for th editor.