I still cant play your mod
try this, this is the wick file in the itch.io description https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BQpYMoGcMvTqODZ3eGxhBo307nxkEIiM/view?usp=sharing
thanks it worked
I might make my own engine
I made my own engine called the “BOI Engine” edited version (story mode crashed before) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JGSzve2spq8zxyOvM_8eWMsi1M_A_QdV/view?usp=sharing. it changes the ui and adds a health bar. I was going to add hurt notes but I couldn’t find the code for adding and hitting custom notes @pumpkinhead (where it can be hit and where its made). edit:
html: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PQSp0KsJOJ1KCSDtvLhnK-aH0Acsv6E2/view?usp=sharing
wick: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F5Cfxqlf7gwpZg5W4fB2q3NtMTJcXsvs/view?usp=sharing
btw does anyone have 1-3 songs they want in the game. if so then I will personally add it into the game and credit you in the credits
quick 8bit engine update - v4.2.0 (nice) is out
- ACTUALLY removed spoof’d 2’s ghost jacks
- changed song audio to use @Jovanny’s WickSound class (small change, but it’ll make development slightly easier in the long run)
- note clones now copy the rotation of their corresponding strum (something that bugged me while testing modcharts)
- moved some ui elements around
can you include a link to a google drive download please
if you have any songs then reply to this with your songs and I will add them to my engine, I will also make a few songs for my own pack.
so what im doing for my engine is im going to add more songs then for each pack it will have 1-3 songs and when in you can still go back but after every song it moves onto the next in story mode. edit: BOI engine v0.0.2
.html + .wick:
sneek peek at the boi song https://drive.google.com/file/d/10WLk-RRGZFikbwPUGs7x-eA7S4NtkLVl/view?usp=sharing
I still cant find it @pumpkinhead @8bit, btw what I mean by “adding…custom notes” I mean making new notes. hardest song json. copy it and paste it in the game
{“tempo”:200,“noteLifetime”:0.475,“name”:“me”,“notes”:[[“w”,4],[“w”,0.25],[“w”,0.25],[“w”,0.25],[“w”,0.25],[“w”,0.25],[“w”,0.25],[“s”,0.25],[“s”,0.25],[“s”,0.25],[“s”,0.25],[“s”,0.25],[“s”,0.25],[“s”,0.25],[“a”,0.25],[“a”,0.25],[“a”,0.25],[“a”,0.25],[“a”,0.25],[“a”,0.25],[“a”,0.25],[“a”,0.25],[“d”,0.25],[“d”,0.25],[“d”,0.25],[“d”,0.25],[“d”,0.25],[“d”,0.25],[“d”,0.25],[“d”,0.25],[“a”,0.25],[“d”,0],[“d”,0.25],[“s”,0.25],[“w”,0.25],[“s”,0.25],[“w”,0],[“d”,0.25],[“w”,0.25],[“s”,0.25],[“s”,0.25],[“w”,0],[“a”,0.25],[“s”,0.25],[“w”,0.25],[“w”,0.25],[“s”,0]]} (warning its extremely hard and catches you off gaurd)
sneek peek at maped boi song ( {“tempo”:160,“noteLifetime”:0.59375,“name”:“boi”,“notes”:[[“w”,8.75],[“d”,0.5],[“w”,0.5],[“a”,0.5],[“s”,0.5],[“w”,0.5],[“d”,0.5],[“w”,0.5],[“s”,1.25],[“w”,0.5],[“w”,1],[“s”,0.5],[“d”,1],[“w”,0],[“d”,0.5],[“s”,0],[“d”,0.5],[“w”,0],[“a”,0.5],[“s”,0],[“s”,0.5],[“w”,0],[“d”,0.5],[“w”,0],[“d”,0.5],[“s”,0],[“w”,0.5],[“w”,1.25],[“s”,0],[“d”,0.5],[“w”,0],[“w”,1],[“d”,0],[“w”,0.5],[“s”,0],[“s”,2.25],[“w”,0],[“d”,0.5],[“w”,0],[“s”,0],[“d”,0.5],[“w”,0],[“a”,0],[“w”,0.5],[“s”,0],[“d”,0],[“a”,0.5],[“s”,0],[“w”,0],[“s”,0.5],[“w”,0],[“d”,0],[“d”,0.5],[“w”,0],[“a”,0],[“d”,0.5],[“s”,0],[“a”,0],[“w”,0.5],[“s”,0],[“d”,0],[“w”,1],[“d”,0],[“s”,0],[“d”,0.5],[“w”,0],[“a”,0],[“w”,1],[“d”,0],[“a”,0],[“s”,0.5],[“w”,0],[“d”,0],[“d”,1],[“s”,0],[“a”,0]]}
btw I think that we should put any mods in another topic.
can you send the file via google drive please?
been trying to move song data and audio to an external source, which doesn’t seem to be going well
i might add a leaderboard system which uses the same system though
update: it seems to be working well
maybie you could try to make it online and have it show scores from other people.