Solutions for Video Exporting Issues

Why I created this

I’ve been noticing that a lot of people have been experiencing issues with exporting their animations into mp4, and since I don’t always have the time to reply to everyone, I thought I might create this post and just direct people here, where I’ll list some simple solutions that might help with exporting mp4 files. I’ll make sure to turn this into a wiki as well so other people can add in their solutions and tips that have to do with exporting animations.

Want to add in your own solution?

I believe that if we have all solutions for exporting videos in this one post, it’ll be easier to help people that have these types of issues, as well as provide them with all details necessary in case they don’t understand something.

The following is a template for anyone interested in adding their own solutions to video exporting issues:


# *Solution* _:Emoji:_ 

Sometimes the reason that Wick Editor has issues with exporting a project into an mp4 file is ______. This is usually because ___.

**To do:**
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3, do one of the following:
  - Step 3 Recommended method
  - Step 3 Another method
  - Step 3 Another method
- Step 4

## Questions?

**Question goes here?**

Answer goes here.

**Another question could go right here?**

And answer goes here.

## Any Recommended Tools/ Links?

The following are trusted tools/ links collected by Wick Forum Members:

**These tools are for _____:**
- (Tool/ link name)[link] (free, limited, requires download, trusted, warning, etc?)
- (Another tool/ link name)[link] (free, limited, requires download, trusted, warning, etc?)

**These tools are for _____:**
- (Tool/ link name)[link] (free, limited, requires download, trusted, warning, etc?)
- (Another tool/ link name)[link] (free, limited, requires download, trusted, warning, etc?)

# Rate this solution:
[poll type=number results=always min=1 max=10 step=1 name=solutionName]


You don’t have to use the same amount of steps, tools, questions, etc. mentioned in this template in your solution, in fact, some solutions might not even need any other tools, have that many questions, or require that much steps! This template is just an idea to the order of how I prefer things are layed out in order to make this easier to use for other people.

Do you have Issues with Exporting Videos?

Exporting from .wick :arrow_right: .mp4


Remove Audio Files :loud_sound:

Sometimes the reason that Wick Editor has issues with exporting a project into an mp4 file is the projects audio. Exporting a project into a video is one thing, and exporting it into a video with audio is another.

To do:

  • Open your project in the editor
  • Remove audio from the project by using one of the following methods:
    • Select the audio files in the asset library and delete the ones that are being used in the project.
    • Select every frame that contains audio and delete it.
    • Select every frame that contains audio, go to the inspector (on the right), select the menu next to Sound, and select “No Sound” from the menu (do this for every frame that contains audio individually).
  • Now that you’ve removed audio from the project, try exporting it into an mp4 file.
  • Now that you’ve exported the project into an mp4 file, you can use another software to add in the audio to the file.


Do I have to remove all video files?

You can, but you don’t have to. You can remove some audio from the project, and keep some (preferred that you remove big audio files though).

How do I select Multiple Frames at once?

You can hold shift while selecting the frames with your cursor in order to select multiple frames at once.

How can I get an audio file that aligns perfectly with the mp4 file?

Without removing audio from the project, you can go to export, and export it into audio. You should get a .wav file. This file (if it downloads successfully) should be easier to add to your mp4 file since it both should align the same way you had them in the editor.

Any Recommended Tools/ Links?

The following are trusted tools/ links collected by Wick Forum Members:

For Combining Audio & Video:

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Test Editor

Try Using the Test Editor Version :sparkles:

Some issues in the editor might’ve been already fixed by the wick team in the test editor. The test editor is usually an improved version of the current editor, so exporting files there might bring you less issues.

To do:

  • Open the Test Editor
  • Open your project there
  • Try exporting it


How do I bring my project to the Test Editor?

You can download your file in the current editor and open it in the test editor.

Also, since both the current version and the test version of the editor are part of the same domain, the autosave should be able to load the same project in the test version that it would’ve loaded on the current version of the editor, and vice versa.

Any Recommended Tools/ Links?

The following are trusted tools/ links collected by Wick Forum Members:


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Divide Project

Split your Animation into Smaller Scenes :film_projector:

Sometimes the reason that Wick Editor has issues with exporting a project into an mp4 file is that… it’s just too long. There is a difference between exporting a couple thousand frames long animation, and a 10 frames long one.

To do:

  • Open the editor in multiple tabs (this is a recommended step)
  • Open your project
  • Make sure to save a file of your full project (highly recommended)
  • By deleting and moving around frames, divide your project into half, fourth, or separate scenes
  • Export each part individually into mp4 files (recommended that you name the files as well)
  • Using another software, try recombining the mp4 files


Will it still be effective if I only split the project in half?

Yes, sometimes it’s easier to just split the animation into half rather than 5 or 8 different scenes.

How do I move/ delete/ select multiple frames?

Hold the shift key while selecting the frames. This should allow you to select multiple frames at once, and you can then copy, paste, remove, and move around the selected frames all at once.

Any Recommended Tools/ Links?

The following are trusted tools/ links collected by Wick Forum Members:

These tools are for combining mp4 files:

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Anyone is allowed to add in their own solutions that could help with mp4 exporting issues, as well as edit other solutions and information here. I didn’t reread this, so if anyone finds any grammar issues then correct them (if not, then I’m surprised).