Sticky Shapes!

Found out how to make shapes stick with each other when they touch eachother.

You can make some funny shapes or strange buildings!

sticky shapes!2-20-2021_15-36-28.wick (2.9 KB)

nice !
triangle does strange things but still it’s quite funny
You pushed into my twisted mind the desire to develop a game :grinning:

Well, triangle has a square hitbox so it looks strange-

Also, i would really like to see what you’ll do!

First off, this is very off topic to the original post. Second @Luxapodular said this

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he’s not your brother, you two are probably the same person lol

We can’t just make assumptions, but @onedonutbite i’m pretty sure moderators can check for alt accounts. if hakeem_salam really is your brother and he gets unbanned, remind him to change his password or something. but as luxapodular said, a user is responsible for everything that happens on their account.

I Agree with @BaronAWC and @Andeer you should just get over it plus your brothers account looks like a troll and so does your account.