Teach me how to animate

You guys tell me how to animate and I try to make a test animation!

@noobfield told me to improve my Wick Editor work instead of asking for feedback. So now anyone can help me animate! @L4nt3rn I really liked your rough key animation! Can you teach me how to animate?

maybe some skills on animatics, clip tweening and others!

yo, I can show you how to draw a figure rq

first start out with the head by using the circle tool

than, add a base for the top of the ribcage and the neck

Ahh I don’t really know how to explain what I did on my rough animation… nor if it will be helpful since I just started animation.
I can try my best though.
Basically I first drew my goofball as a simple form, sort of similar to a stickman so that I can imagine the movement of it easily.
Then I kind of just animate it straightforwardly kind of way, and then I go back and flesh out the design more, fix pacing/movement and uhhh yeah I ended up with what I made
Hopefully that’s helpful but I don’t know if it is or I can’t explain things well :
(maybe if I used keyframes would’ve made it look better but I forgot that those were a thing at the time, I kind of just made up the animation in my head and then animated it :P)

oop did not intend the wall of text

all of it was really helpful!

oh yey glad I could help 'XD


No problem lol