Text box unload script is not working

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Has this bug been reported already?

Describe the bug
When I am working on a project and add a text box the text box does not go away when you go to another frame or pause the project

To Reproduce

  1. Idk it happens 50% of the time

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

*Computer Information

  • OS: Windows [e.g. Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, Linux]
  • Device Type:Laptop .Desktop, Tablet, Mobile
  • Browser:Chrome [e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge]

Do you have a suggested solution to this issue? (ex. has another program fixed this bug a certain way? Are you familiar with where in the code base someone would need to fix this issue?)

Additional context Optional*
Add any other context about the problem here.

Not sure what you mean, so I probably can’t help

that was just an incomplete bug report. it defaults to that, and BSA didn’t change it.

I think this has already been reported?

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