Has this bug been reported already?
Describe the bug
Text input works fine on its own, but if you put it in a clip and then move that clip a few inches on the stage, the input field jumps to another place on the stage.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the bug, if you have them:
- Make a rectangle
- change rectangle to a clip
- In the clip, put input field inside of the rectangle
- leave clip and move it a few inch
- run and watch the input field has moved to an incorrect position
Expected behavior
Input field should move with the clip containing it and not jump to a random place.
Computer Information
- OS: win10
- Device Type: Desktop
- Browser: Chrome
Do you have a suggested solution to this issue? (ex. has another program fixed this bug a certain way? Are you familiar with where in the code base someone would need to fix this issue?)
I’m trying to find one now…
The default script of the intput field has a function “this.parentClip.getAbsPos” that works fine as long as it’s not in a clip. Thinking about how to do this (i’m not a javascript guy)
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