Text Input staying even after changing frame

Complete the following questions so forum users and Wick Editor developers can give you the best help possible! If the following questions are not completed, your post may be edited or removed.

Has this bug been reported already?
As of what I’ve searched, no.

Describe the bug
When you see a text input box, even for one frame, it stays on the screen forever.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the bug, if you have them:

  1. Add blank frames for frame 1 to 3 and 5 to 8
  2. Add a text input in frame four, in the script of frame four add stop function
  3. Add a button that goes to frame 5 and play
  4. See error
  5. Note: this also occurs in the editor, you can have multiple text inputs floating around

Expected behavior
I want it to disappear when I’ve changed the frame


*Computer Information

  • Windows
  • Desktop
  • Chrome

Do you have a suggested solution to this issue? (ex. has another program fixed this bug a certain way? Are you familiar with where in the code base someone would need to fix this issue?)
I don’t know any possible solutions.

Additional context Optional*
Add any other context about the problem here.

1 Like

i forgot to put this: to achieve what I got in the screen shot I zoomed in and out randomly

yeah, the text input thing is super scuffed.

… so i made an even more scuffed version that might not even help you. i started this thinking it might be useful, but now that i really dont want to work on this thing… idk if it will help.

barons scuffed text input6-27-2021_9-01-25.wick (1.7 KB)