The Annoying Black Box Thing

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Describe the bug
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So sometimes when I export videos this black box comes up
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the bug, if you have them:

  1. Export at mp4 or gif
    Expected behavior
    A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

*Computer Information
Windows 10 rtx core 17
Do you have a suggested solution to this issue? (ex. has another program fixed this bug a certain way? Are you familiar with where in the code base someone would need to fix this issue?)

Heres the problem if you dont know:

Change the canvas size I guess?

Try setting this.project.renderBlackBars to false in a default script

… that’s a thing??? i need to try something hang on…

edit: i was hoping it would get rid of the black outlines when exporting images, but no, they still exist…

It happens when I use Vcam so I think you shouldn’t use it until Vcam is done. Have you tried refreshing the page?

Sometimes I just reexport