The DEMO for The Lazy Object Show FNF

Here we go… please play it, i had to learn a lot of code… here is the HTML file and i have the wick file so yeah…

It’s time for the demo!
The Lazy Object Show FNF demo3-17-2025_20-47-07.html (2.2 MB)

Wick File:The Lazy Object Show FNF demo3-17-2025_20-49-12.wick (86.7 KB)

@noobfield @Daniel_Johnson @ADRAWANIMATES @frostedcereal @Hoppmations @Kwabena_Nyarko!

ok geez ill do it calm down

There’s no such thing as ‘an FNF’.

ok… but do you like the game so far?

I don’t know, man? I’ve not played it yet. But grammar makes hungry. Hungry makes me human.

ummm ok so play it…

It’s an honest attempt at making a FNF clone. It’s better if we just mess with the files and export some PNGs for a real FNF mod.

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its fine ig

thanks yous

yors welcoem

…idk....... hmmm