The Lazy Object Show Assets 2 use

Here are all the source files…

Early season 1;The Lazy Object Show Assets3-3-2025_19-22-33.wick (12.5 KB)

Late Season 1:The Lazy Object Show Assets 2!!!3-3-2025_19-35-19.wick (18.3 KB)

Season 2 all updates so far; The Lazy Object Show Assets3-3-2025_19-36-09.wick (96.0 KB), The Lazy Object Show Assets UPDATE 33-3-2025_19-37-15.wick (117.7 KB) ,The Lazy Object Show Assets UPDATE 43-2-2025_18-42-25.wick (123.4 KB)
The Lazy Object Show Assets UPDATE 5!!!3-14-2025_16-40-50.wick (150.7 KB) The Lazy Object Show Assets update 63-16-2025_9-33-35.wick (175.0 KB)
Ummm… yeah… USE THEM!!!

@typical_bread @Thingy_Unknown @frostedcereal @glottisfandango @noobfield when your animating my show, use this.

Can’t you use my assets, from the figma file?

you never gave me the link

i gave the .zip bro.

give it to me again,

or what is it called so i can search through my files

Here: (7.8 KB)

oh those…

just unzip it. Then grab it into the library (or press the upload button)

ok… sure ten

the only shape i have is parallelogram

the file is a single multiple, change the number, or double-click.

oh ok ill try

how do you do that?

make a clip, make more frames, set it to single frame, press ctrl + e and you get a message to download the clip.

how to make a clip? (im a wick ametuer i started in late 2024 and decided to skip all tutorials)

Select one or more paths, texts, fills, and click on the make clip button:

Click the one with a triangle.

i dont get it so imma just use my assets plus, mine has mouth assets

@Flipaclip_Master, you there? Did you learn how to make clips? If not, try the basic tutorial: