The Lazy Object Show needs 3D ANIMATORS!

If anyone knows how to animate in 3d then, can you help?

If you use the following,

Blender, Mixamo, etc.

If you use an automated app or AI 3d animation software, get out, I don’t need you.


for some reason @typical_bread i feel could help and also, @noobfield already showed me his so he is automatically in.

I… don’t have a 3d software…

oh ok… ten

also i cant get on your discord, but can i animate?

i can ROBLOXengineering

ok sure do that

yes you can use other…

Screenshot 2025-03-30 7.19.01 PM
I realized I could search up a 3D model online, take a screenshot, and draw over it, and Poof! a 3d looking model

More for REFRENCE on what I mean: Screenshot 2025-03-30 7.44.58 PM

Really nice! I’ll need that! HIRED!!!

Yeah like this? NOICE!

Did you use Flip-a-clip for that?