The legend of Twody

It’ll be okay I know someone who if you want can make your character look better! That’s what I’m doing with my characters because I’m horrible at drawing.

What do you think?Screenshot 2022-04-26 at 20.56.38 bad? good?


I like it, what his name?

What ya’ll think about the new animation logo?

new animations logo

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I turn thing from this Screenshot 2022-04-26 at 20.56.38 to this

for some reason on both it looks like the hood is a big gaping hole.

I don’t know why but your right…
It’s @el_desconocido53 by the way, sorry I had forgotten my password to that account! :wink:

check your memory, I dont think your sopposed to have alt accounts

I don’t see it anywhere in here, but I know I’ll get back in someday. :smile:


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wow, these are noice!

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Thanks that means a lot to me! here’s one more


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Camp Crystal lake

Are you okay with doing sounds? :thinking:

thanks for fixing it, btw his name is Sammy

If there’s anything else I can do to help with your character i can, but don’t count on me for shading. your character was the only one i was successful with in shading.

i can try and add more shade to it

Was there a spot I missed on him?

maybe but il just check