The Man (Series)

What is “The Man”?
It’s Basically a superhero and his job is to save the city.

When did it started?
There was a sneak peak in March 19th 2024.
And there was a unused battle animation in March 20th.
Then, There was a date of Episode 1 releasing in April 14th (But it was released on April 12th :sweat_smile:)
And Episode 1 was uploaded.
(After April 15th Episode 2 was worked on later)
Finally, on April 26th there was a sneak peak on Episode 2.
Lastly, On May 18th Episode 2 was released

Where is the first episode
Scroll down :)

Is there anymore sneak peaks?
yes in episode 3 as of right now :p
this will get updated sooner than later

“The Man Episode 1”

The Man Episode14-12-2024_12-14-54.wick (449.2 KB)

“The Man Episode 2 Sneak peak”

Update about The Man
Episode 2 is 75% completed!
And it won’t be GIF anymore (the episodes are now going to be in a website)


Screenshot 2024-11-23 170430