The wick editors forums are boring

these forums just feel dead honestly i just came and nothing happend but i have a felling that
something big might happen in the forums…

Er…better stick around then…

Well, there was a moment in time where the forums used to be always busy. Ever since Wick stopped getting updates, most people decided to “move on” to greener lands, and left the forums.

The editor isn’t fully dead, there are still a lotta people that use it, but don’t check on the forums.
I myself also started moving on to other softwares & programming languages, but every now and then I found myself using Wick for something.

Here’s the thing, Wick has a lotta potential but it’s also pretty limited.
There’s a chance that once @etcanthony’s team/ Carnegie Mellon University updates the editor, to fix most of the bugs and improve performance, it’d gain much more attention and support worldwide.

But since we’re not getting any updates it might not happen any time soon
(Also, did etcanthony delete his account?!)

Since Wick is open-source too, other people can also make their own versions of it with updates


I have been working few weeks now, in a brand new “editor”… but not based on wick editor, but in html canvas and javascript… “Theater 2D”


if atc anthony deleted his account, doesnt that mean he pretty much forgot? in my 2-3 years of using wick, i havent seen 1 update

oooh, what’s it do?

the forums arent dead but youre right about nothing big happening. i remember someone actually made their own version of wick editor. im going to try that out now

Theater2D The progress is slow, since I’m doing this in my free time… but still…

The Engine Works and the performance is high : )
I’m posting this here, since Wick Editor inspired me to build this from scratch.

In contrast Theater2D will be a Game Engine, not a multi-purpose platform.


This is awesome!!! Is there by any chance a place where we (or at least me lol) can get more information or at least something that can get us up to date with your progress on Theater2D? I would definitely like to try it out soon once its released :eyes:

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Still a lot to do, but here is how the Actor’s Editor is looking… (Actors are similar to Clips, but enhanced)

  • Every actor has a Storyboard (similar to how every clip has a Timeline)
  • A Storyboard has pages (similar to frames)
  • and a group of user’s defined pages are Stories (which are analog to animations)

The two main differences between clips and actors are [1] Scripts are not tied to Actors, so the scripts are standalone entities that can be shared or reused between actors (similar to Unity). [2] Actors have user defined FPS, so one actor can run his animations at 12fps, while another actor can run at 30fps.


Implementing Inspector with Filters…



Making some more progress…


Since I’m on vacation for some days, I’m making good progress… This is my first drawing using the tool… Just using circles, but still… :slight_smile:


do you have like a release date?

No I don’t. This requires a lot of effort… I’ll take my time to have a good art-drawing software first, so the users can produce High-quality graphics. Here an update…
